В данном курсе размещаются материалы для студентов 3 курса по подготовке к срезу знаний по курсу "Современная история Казахстана"

- Создатель курса: Елена Винокурова
- Создатель курса: Асель Ибраимова
Философия пәнінен ВОУД қа дайындық
- Создатель курса: Куаныш Додаева
- Создатель курса: Эльвира Тебегенова
- Создатель курса: Айгуль Дауренбекова
The purpose of the discipline of teaching: mastering by students of professional and personal competencies that will enable the use of modern information and communication technologies in various areas of professional activity, scientific and practical work, and self-education and for other purposes. In addition to the practical purpose, the course provides academic and educational purposes, helping to expand the horizons of students, improve their general culture and education.
The objectives of teaching subjects:
• provide guidance on the use of software packages;
• give an idea of the architecture of computer systems, operating systems and networks;
• familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of network development and Web applications with the basics of information security;
• explain the principles of information and communication technologies and e learning;
• learn how to lead an independent creative search;
• explore the possibilities of modern information technology and its development trends.
· Key competences (KC) – to know the characteristics of different operating systems, to be able to work with spreadsheets, databases, explain the application of methods and means of information protection, use different forms of
· E learning to expand the professional knowledge to use a variety of cloud services.
· The subject competences - to work with databases, apply methods and means of information protection, use skills as a user with modern information and communication technologies in various areas of professional activity, scientific and practical work, and self-education.
· The special competences:
- Analysis-identify the main trends in the field of information and communication technologies; classify information security threats, the protection measures and the media.
- Synthesis-explain network topology, prepare and create multimedia presentations, simple web sites, reports on a selected topic.
- Evaluation-evaluate the knowledge and skills on the subject, do a final test, discuss and prepare the oral replies on the passed material.
Prerequisites: the study subjects based on the knowledge gained in high school the basics of computer science, mathematics and physics.
Post requisites: disciplines that use "ICT" discipline of knowledge:
- Computer networks;
- Operating system;
- The new information technologies (on branches);
- Programming etc.

- Создатель курса: Асель Ибраимова